

Kindle Matchbook

An update from Kindle that I think is seen as a welcome change by many authors - Kindle Matchbook. And I'm pleased to say my 'What Ukulele Players Really Want To Know' book series is enrolled.

Launching imminently, Matchbook means that people who have purchased copies of a paperback book can (where the author has opted in) buy a copy of the Kindle version at a large discount. (obviously this only applies to those who bought the paperback at Amazon in the first place!)

I'm pleased to be part of that service and have enrolled all my ukulele guidebooks in the service at the lowest possible price. Personally I would like people who bought my paperbacks to get the Kindle version for free, but Amazon will not allow that. Sorry - but this is the best I can do!

So, if you have my paperbacks and fancy a version to carry on your Kindle check out my titles on and (as well as other Amazon online stores that carry Kindle titles.
