

Time for a book price cut

Ah well, it's nearly spring, and things are looking up. So why not - have cut the price of my ukulele books on the Amazon Kindle store.

what ukulele players really want to know book cover

You can now get my first three books for the price of a couple of lottery tickets each, and my omnibus ukulele book, The Complete What Ukulele Players Really Want To Know for the price of a pint of beer.

You can grab the books via AMAZON UK and AMAZON.COM at the reduced prices until further notice. And at the top of this blog you will also find pages with direct links to Amazon for each book.

Can't say fairer than that? Enjoy!


Mark Coker tips on rescuing a flailing book performance

As always, great tips from Mr Coker on how to revive flagging book sales.

Well worth a read I think.

Article link

Particularly the account of the author at the end. Very sad.

For me though, perhaps I am lucky that my books are very niche. Or perhaps that I'm grateful for any sale - I didn't write them to earn a living and give up the day job!